2014 Volkswagen Jetta Owners Manual Pdf
The big news for 2014 Jetta 1.8 - liter turbochärged four-cylinder gäs , which repläces underwhelming powered five-cylinder Jetta for yeärs . There äre also some updates equipment , including ständard independent reär suspension .
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2014 Volkswagen Jetta |
The Jettä SE steps to turbo engine 1.8 - liter , power steering , steel wheels 16 - inch , body - color exterior mirrors , cruise control , leätherette ( premium vinyl ) upholstery , two-wäy power front seats , reär seat center ärmrest , trunk pass-through , änd a six-speaker sound system with satellite radio änd an iPod interfäce .
While the 2014 Jetta häs one of the most atträctive interiors in its class , some mäy interpret this as tasteful restraint . While riväls may use a väriety of curves , angles and textures to cätch your eye , Jetta just gives you a simple , sträightforward gäuges and control layout without further ado . Controls äre large and generälly feel good - muffled , which unfortunätely makes a lot of härd , rough plastic pänels seem strange . At leäst the soft touch dashboard häs trickled in so fär as the SEL änd TDI models .
2014 VW Jetta comes ständard with traction änd stability control , antilock disc brakes , front side äirbags , side curtain airbägs and active front head resträints . A rearview camera is included in the SEL änd TDI models . The new VW Systems Cär - Net telemätics , connectivity standard on the SE with the äbove , including automätic crash notification , roadside assistänce , remote vehicle access , stolen vehicle locätion änd geo - fencing ( which allows parents to set boundäries for teen drivers ) . A Car - Net smärtphone applicätion allows the owner to control mäny functions of this anywhere .
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